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testbed-cli. Interface to testbeds


./testbed-cli.sh [options] (start-vms | stop-vms) <server-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] (start-topo-vms | stop-topo-vms) <topo-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] (add-topo | remove-topo | renumber-topo | connect-topo) <topo-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] refresh-dut <topo-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] (connect-vms | disconnect-vms) <topo-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] config-vm <topo-name> <vm-name> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] (gen-mg | deploy-mg | test-mg) <topo-name> <inventory> <vault-password-file>
./testbed-cli.sh [options] (create-master | destroy-master) <k8s-server-name> <vault-password-file>


-t <tbfile>     : testbed CSV file name (default: 'testbed.csv')
-m <vmfile>     : virtual machine file name (default: 'veos')
-k <vmtype>     : vm type (veos|ceos) (default: 'veos')
-n <vm_num>     : vm num (default: 0)
-b <vmbase>     : Specify the VM Base ID the format is VM0100, VM0201 (default: parsing from testbed.csv)
-s <msetnumber> : master set identifier on specified <k8s-server-name> (default: 1)
-d <dir>        : sonic vm directory (default: /var/ubuntu/sonic-vm)

Positional Arguments:

<server-name>         : Hostname of server on which to start VMs
<vault-password-file> : Path to file containing Ansible Vault password
<topo-name>           : Name of the target topology
<inventory>           : Name of the Ansible inventory containing the DUT
<k8s-server-name>     : Server identifier in form k8s_server_{id}, corresponds to k8s_ubuntu inventory group name
<vmbase>              : Specify the VM base ID and the format is VM01xx or VM02xx (xx = 01~63, default: parsing from testbed.csv)
              Cost of VMs  0VM    4VMs      6VMs   8VMs        24VMs      32VMs  64VMs
              Topologies   ptf32  t0        t0-16  t0-56       t1-lag     t1     t1-64
                           ptf64  t0-64            t1-8vm      t1-64-lag
                                  t0-64-32         t1-8vm-lag

To start all VMs on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh start-vms ‘server-name’ ~/.password

To restart a subset of VMs:

    ./testbed-cli.sh start-vms server-name vault-password-file -e respin_vms=[vm_list]
         vm_list is separated by comma and shouldn't have space in the list.
             e.g., respin_vms=[VM0310,VM0330]

To pause some time after triggered starting of a batch of VMs:

    ./testbed-cli.sh start-vms server-name vault-password-file -e batch_size=2 -e interval=60 To enable autostart of VMs:

    ./testbed-cli.sh start-vms server-name vault-password-file -e autostart=yes

To start VMs for specified topology on server: ./testbed-cli.sh start-topo-vms ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To stop all VMs on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh stop-vms ‘server-name’ ~/.password

To stop VMs for specified topology on server: ./testbed-cli.sh stop-topo-vms ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To deploy a topology on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh add-topo ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

Optional argument for add-topo:
    -e ptf_imagetag=<tag>    # Use PTF image with specified tag for creating PTF container

To remove a topology on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh remove-topo ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To renumber a topology on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh renumber-topo ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To connect a topology: ./testbed-cli.sh connect-topo ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To refresh DUT in a topology: ./testbed-cli.sh refresh-dut ‘topo-name’ ~/.password

To configure a VM on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh config-vm ‘topo-name’ ‘vm-name’ ~/.password

To generate minigraph for DUT in a topology: ./testbed-cli.sh gen-mg ‘topo-name’ ‘inventory’ ~/.password

To deploy minigraph to DUT in a topology: ./testbed-cli.sh deploy-mg ‘topo-name’ ‘inventory’ ~/.password

gen-mg, deploy-mg, test-mg supports enabling/disabling data ACL with parameter
    -e enable_data_plane_acl=true
    -e enable_data_plane_acl=false
    by default, data acl is enabled

To create Kubernetes master on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh -m k8s_ubuntu create-master ‘k8s-server-name’ ~/.password

To destroy Kubernetes master on a server: ./testbed-cli.sh -m k8s_ubuntu destroy-master ‘k8s-server-name’ ~/.password

You should define your topology in testbed CSV file

